Cloud-native security protects applications designed and built on the cloud. On a higher level, “cloud native” is a fundamentally new approach to application design and deployment, leveraging native cloud capabilities like auto-scaling, continuous deployment, and auto-management. It is an open source approach leveraging IaaS capabilities (e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud) to create new tools and services that are more responsive in the age of the customer. From a developer’s perspective, cloud native means shipping fast and often—without sacrificing reliability. From an operations perspective, cloud native means automatic management and massive economic gain in resource consumption.
Cloud-native applications are typically built using a microservices or container-based approach running on Linux. These applications are designed to be lightweight, flexible, and focused on single tasks. Ultimately, they’re like smaller building blocks that are pieced together to achieve speed, scalability, and efficiency savings that you simply can’t get with a traditional monolithic architecture.