Why modern enterprise management is the new business reality

It’s easy—and often justifiable—to blame rapid, unceasing technological advancements as the cause of many of today’s major challenges in industries such as manufacturing, distribution, and services. Globalization, a mobile workforce, and new apps and tools are among the many factors that have created a new reality in which:

  • Data is being generated at mind-boggling rates, forcing you to make sense of it and make intelligent decisions almost on the spot.
  • Organizational silos are inadvertently being created, interfering with operational efficiencies, as individual business units incorporate tools and systems to meet their specific needs.
  • The ability to conduct business anytime and anywhere increases the need to satisfy your customers when they demand it.

Paradoxically, if technology is complicating your business, it can also simplify it. That’s why businesses of all types and sizes have recognized that traditional accounting software and legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions are no longer adequate to keep up in today’s business world—much less tomorrow’s. In fact, 49% of executives surveyed said they’re implementing new systems to replace their out-of-date ERP software1.

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