With this information, you can plan your requirements for the next 6 to 12 months and ensure you have the capacity to meet your business growth projections.
It's no secret the global supply chain has been impacted by raw material shortages and the events of recent years, leading to longer lead times in sourcing hardware.
At Truis, we know that managing data backup and data recovery in today’s complex IT environments can overwhelm even the most experienced IT departments. We understand you need technology that works with you, not against you.
We are all well aware that when it comes to protecting your data in the event of a cyber-attack or breach, it pays to be proactive. However, most of us are battling skills and resource shortages, making this a real challenge despite our best efforts.
In order to do this properly, you want to bring your IT and security teams together, as ensuring your backup capability survives a cyber event falls squarely in the camp of both security and IT responsibilities.
At Truis, one of our suggested solutions is PowerProtect Cyber Recovery from Dell Technologies. This is because it uses automation and intelligent security to isolate important data before an attack and keep it separate from your network using a vault or ‘air gap’ approach.
Now, the challenge becomes navigating astronomical business growth while keeping up with security advancements. Businesses are storing exponentially more data than they were 10 years ago as the world becomes more digital, and technologies improve.
In this eBook, we dissect the following patterns: • Identity and authentication for data storage • Public Cloud misconfiguration • Keys and secrets mismanagement • Overprivileged identities • Insider threats
Learn how a knowledge management system can increase efficiency, enable better project management, provide valuable insights to your clients and prospects, and so much more.
This book serves as a practical guide for enterprise architects, data managers and CIOs as they enable modern data lake, streaming and cloud architectures with CDC.
Simplify endpoint data protection and reduce data risks. Improve cyber resilience and compliance, protecting enterprise workforce and data assets. Download now to see six customer stories for overcoming data protection challenges
Learn how NetApp and Veeam can deliver a complete, modern data protection storage platform with data tiering capabilities through an integrated storage and software solution.
This ebook discusses the importance of data quality in any end-to-end AI project, with a specific focus on the need for data labeling through active learning.
This paper discusses how approaches to data management―in particular, that of protecting virtual machines―are evolving and how those changes can bring relief to admins across the enterprise while ensuring workloads and data are fully protected in today’s hybrid IT environment.
Couchbase solves your requirements with simple mobile data storage, access, sync … Read the White Paper – How to Choose a Database for Your Mobile Apps.
How MongoDB compares to Couchbase when it comes to enabling enterprise applications to scale easily, efficiently and reliably, scale single services instead of the entire database, and avoid downtime and maintain high availability 24x7 with replication, automatic failover, and online operations