This paper explores the current market influences that impact how an organization pursues cyber resilience, the key methods that should be adopted in becoming cyber resilient, and the reasons why cyber resilience can transform an organization into a digital enterprise highly focused on growth.
In the 2021 Bad Bot Report you’ll find the latest trends we’re seeing in bad bot activity, the symptoms of a bad bot problem, and an in-depth analysis of the bad bot threat landscape across industries, sophistication levels, origin and more.
This article shows how innovation in chip architectures and hardware accelerators is enabling AI at the edge. While each architecture has its merits, it’s critical to consider how these platforms impact the compute performance, power consumption, and latency of neural network operations and systems as a whole.
The advantages of IoT are significant however there are basic hurdles to overcome when entering into this connected world.
This paper will look at some of the basic needs for an IoT deployment, specifically focusing on the needed technology, the required coverage, a comprehensive level of support, as well as connectivity management so you know where money is being spent.