Explore the critical capabilities needed to achieve greater agility in the pharma supply chain—and learn how multienterprise work management can help you achieve new levels of supplier collaboration, so you can improve product quality, reduce disruptions, drive down costs, and improve on-time, in-full (OTIF) performance
In our whitepaper, we try to answer some key questions; 1)What are some of the current challenges facing the audit sector? 2) What aspects must be considered to respond to pandemic-like situations strategically than the reactive stance that most auditors adopted? 3) How can the trust deficit be bridged with technology, given the recent set of audit failures? 4) How can audit planning and execution be made more effective, transparent and value-adding for all stakeholders involved?
Discover how innovations in interoperability and analytics of hospital data, information, communications, physician orders in HER, and supply preferences translate to efficient supply chain processes.
How Digital Transformation is Changing the Face of Canadian Manufacturing
Make sure you’re geting the most out of your technology investment
Gartner recommends that supply chain leaders adopt six strategic imperatives to realize the key benefits of participating in the circular economy.
The Manhattan Active® Platform is a cloud-native foundation for always current, constantly adaptive operations. Learn what characteristics make it ideal for supply chain companies today, and into the future.
It’s no secret manufacturers are looking to realize the promise of smart manufacturing in order to drive growth and stay ahead of the competition. At Plex Systems, we wanted to know what was driving these innovative businesses
This whitepaper explores how smart technology is delivering the future of supply chain management
Discover the 3 Most Important Things to Look for When Choosing a HCM Provider
25 real-world examples to inspire you on your real-time 3D journey. Discover how leading companies are creating and deploying immersive, realistic 3D representations of their products in AR, VR, and other…
Insider’s guide to payroll and a smooth payroll transition.
Read this IDC report detailing how supply chain is experiencing a period of significant change and how you can take advantage of it.
The current challenges that manufacturers face around quality practices, and how the intersection of IoT, cognitive computing and quality management can drive new levels of business value