Check out our ebook, 5 Considerations For Transforming Your ECM Strategy With Cloud Content Management, and learn how to bring your people and information together in the cloud
According to IDC, spending on public cloud services is projected to grow over 22% a year through 2023. Don't be the last company to get more secure and more productive by moving your content to the cloud. This paper explores reasons that today’s cloud technologies, and, specifically, cloud content management platforms—can deliver these advantages to your business.
The case for making the transition to cloud communications Explore the top six benefits for making the transition from on-premises PBX to cloud communications
A Pathfinder paper navigates decision-makers through the issues surrounding a specific technology or business case, explores the business value of adoption, and recommends the range of considerations and concrete next steps in the decision-making process.
Read this white paper to learn 3 key strategies to follow that will help you break the bottleneck of Salesforce testing
The reality is that many businesses that have adopted a multi-cloud strategy have seen their IT environment turn into a patchwork of on-premises, public cloud, legacy systems, and emerging technologies…
How the adoption of a cloud-based construction management platform can help teams optimize their project management workflows.
Self-service kiosks give your team the opportunity to improve customer experience. An automated kiosk helps improve transactions and enables more personalized interaction between staff and guests.
App integration, mobile enablement, cost savings drive organizations to cloud workplace collaboration services
With each passing year, just as in the CRM market, the shift towards cloud that is happening will rise…
Use this easily consumable reference architecture to design a hybrid cloud data analytics solution to handle compute and memory hungry AI workloads.
A framework to help you define and implement a successful multi-cloud strategy
Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure company. Digital leaders harness our trusted platform to bring together and interconnect the foundational infrastructure that powers their success. We enable our customers to access all the right places, partners and possibilities they need to accelerate advantage.
Find out more about the key requirements of an effective, highly available, distributed cache and the key differences in architecture and capabilities between Couchbase Server, Redis, and Memcached
In this IDC report sponsored by Google Cloud, you’ll learn what challenges you face by moving mission-critical ERP applications to the cloud; how to take advantage of Google Cloud’s analytics and open-sourced solutions as a benefit of migration to the public cloud...